Lost Sox Drawer

Lost Sox Drawer

Friday, September 25, 2015

1975 Hostess Burleson, Carbo, Wise

Here are three more fantasy 1975 Hostess cards, which were introduced in an earlier post. I took the Burleson and Wise photos from my 1974 Red Sox yearbook, while Carbo was an interwebs find. 

Carbo and Wise were, of course, two of the key figures in Game 6 of the '75 World Series; Carbo's three-run homer in the eighth inning tied the score, and Wise was the winning pitcher. For some reason, Wise was my mom's favorite Red Sox player in the 1970s. But hey, this is an Alex Cora fan writing this, and Wise had a much better career than Cora, so who am I to judge? Wise is also known for:

  • His membership in the Buffalo Head Gang, the delightful, irreverent group dedicated to giving manager Don Zimmer headaches (Carbo was a member, too);
  • Throwing a no-hitter for the Phillies while blasting two homers; and ...
  • For being traded to the Cardinals from the Phillies even-up for some guy named Steve Carlton.

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