Lost Sox Drawer

Lost Sox Drawer

Monday, September 28, 2015

1954 Topps Harry Agganis

So much has been written and said about "The Golden Greek," I quite frankly have little to add about this tragic athlete who is beloved by New England fans more than six decades after his untimely death. For this card, I used the head shot from his '55 Topps card and added a posed black-and-white shot. Considering Topps was in a war for player contracts with Bowman and was stuffing players who never played in the major leagues in its sets (paging Angel Scull), I'm mildly surprised no one made a '54 Agganis.

One other note: Agganis played football and baseball at Boston University, which named its hockey arena for him. Also, BU dropped football and baseball in the 1990s, which means the arena is named for someone who not just didn't play hockey, but played two sports the school doesn't even sponsor anymore!

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