Lost Sox Drawer

Lost Sox Drawer

Thursday, October 22, 2015

1976 Topps World Series (Game 7)

So near, but so far. What impressed me about the '75 Reds was how they bounced back after such a devastating Game 6 loss, when they could have easily folded, much like the '86 Sox or '91 Braves or '13 Spurs. OK, the Braves one might be a little unfair, but still: most teams that suffer a dramatic Game 6 defeat lose Game 7.

And while the Red Sox lost, there was such an incredible feeling of optimism, as anyone who has read Peter Gammons' book/bible "Beyond the Sixth Game" knows. With all that young talent, they were going to be back again and again, right? But of course, as the book says at the end, "tomorrow never came." 

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